
Get Out There!

Turning 60. Just typing that seems surreal.

I can’t possibly be that old, can I?

The past few years have been filled with adventures, injury & healing, stress and lots of FUN. This coming year, the start of this next decade, is already promising to be filled with fun and adventure. I truly can not wait.

On my Instagram accounts, @redflyermedia & @rebeccasredflyer, I have been using a few hashtags on a regular basis. One of them is #neverstopexploring It is fast becoming my mantra. Exploring can be anything. It could be a photo “safari” at the beautiful Blanco River a few hundered yards from my door, or traveling to the Canadian border then down to the Florida Keys with the Cross Country Chase. Regardless of how far I go, exploring, to me, is a critical part of who I am.