
My DIY addiction has crossed over to the mechanical side. I’ve done basic mechanics on my motorcycle for many years, but I just recently decided I could work on my car and bus. There is something so incredibly satisfying about conquering an issue under the hood. I have learned to troubleshoot all sorts of 7.3 turbo issues. Each time I take on a problem, I learn more about the powertrain. Even better, my self confidence grows. I am learning a lot and loving every minute of it…except when I scrape my knuckles or drop something heavy on my foot.

I installed front and rear SumoSprings bumper stops on the bus. WOW what a difference in made in the sway of the bus. Contact the company to find out which work best for your vehicle. The customer service team will patiently walk you through what will work best for your vehicle and needs.

They are very easy to install. It took appx 45 minutes & most of that time was figuring out how many 2x6’s I needed to stack under the jack.